The Souers family has had an affiliation with the Hudson Motor car since Ralph Souers purchased a new one in 1940. His son Meredith worked for a short period of time for the Hudson automobile dealership in Huntington, Indiana. He purchased a 1937 Terraplane shortly after his dad purhased the Hudson, and he didn't drive another brand of vehicle until he switched to American Motors in 1971. Meredith and his wife Mary later became active members of the Hudson-Essex-Terraplane Club and became the editor of their international publication in 1965. Their three sons,daughter, and grandchildren have taken an active role in continuing the tradition of collecting and restoring Hudson and AMC vehicles. This site is designed to showcase some of the cars and to preserve the heritage started in 1940.
51st Annual Souers Meet May 15-17, 2015
Making history...four Hudson Italias will be on display! |
Click to view more information |